The Best Gray Wood Stain Options

If you are looking for a way to give yourself a modern farmhouse feel, then one of the best ways to achieve this is by using a stylish gray wood stain to give your wood surfaces a unique visual twist.

While you might assume at first since gray is not a very natural color for wood, that there would not be that many choices when it comes to gray wood stains, but this is not the case and there are actually quite a few options available.

The Best Gray Wood Stain Options

Because of this we have put this list together to gather some of our favorite options for you to choose from.

There are plenty of different options when it comes to choosing a gray wood stain, so we have gathered a few for you to choose from so you can easily narrow down your favorite options.

When it comes to choosing a gray wood stain, this choice will stick with you for quite a while, and replacing it can be very frustrating and not an easy task to do, so because of this, you want to get it right the first time!

There are also some facts which you should keep in mind when choosing a wood stain, so we will make sure you are aware of these.

So, if you are looking for a gray colored wood stain, but you do not know where you want to start, keep reading!

Our Favorite Gray Wood Stains

When looking at these gray wood stains, make sure to look closely and pay attention to reviews.

Reviews can show you how well the gray wood stain has worked in different conditions, but this can also inform how the color ages as well.

If you have the option, and want to buy the gray wood stain in person, it is best to see some samples of what the stain looks like when it is applied so you can see it in person.


We put this shade of gray wood stain first since this is easily one of the richest shades of gray which you can get when using a wood stain.

This is an absolutely beautiful gray wood stain and will get you amazing results wherever you choose to use it, and since it is a nice darker shade, it will compliment plenty of different spaces.

The shade is better to look at in person, but if you look at where it has been used, you can see how in certain lighting the shade has some deep navy undertones.

If you do not want any blue tones, then you might want to avoid this shade, but if you want to, then this idea is great!


Weathered gray is a perfect option for a wood stain, and this works especially well when used outdoors.

This is not going to get as dark as our previous choice, however, this is why lots of people love this shade.

It is however, still a darker shade of a gray wood stain, and it can get some amazing results whenever you put it on, and compliments a lot of other aesthetics.

It is worth noting that, while less than carbon gray, this shade does also have some blue undertones as well, however they are not as prominent as they are on carbon gray.


This shade is quite similar to carbon gray, and because of this it is one of the darkest shades we have shown off here, however, it differentiates itself with its undertones.

Compared to carbon gray which has quite noticeable blue undertones, the undertones on aged barrel are much more dark, and because of this they are actually quite close to black.

This makes this a lot more of a natural shade, however, it also means that depending on where you use this gray wood stain it can appear a little oppressive.

So, when using aged barrel, you want to be careful of the lighting in the room you are using it in, and how much you are using as well.


If you want a gray wood stain which is as close to a ‘true’ gray as possible, then you are going to want to look out for this shade of willow gray.

This shade is not as dark as some of the prior options we have listed, but it does not get as light as some of the latter options we are going to show.

Because of this, a lot of people choose willow gray because they think it will fit every situation, however you want to be careful.

Since this shade is true gray, it does not have as many subtleties as some of the other options.

This means it can be quite difficult to make this match an area, and sometimes it can even stick out.

When choosing willow gray, you will want to make sure you have checked samples in your space in different lighting so you are sure this will not stick out too much.


While we are still listing this shade here as a gray wood stain, and if it were to be classified as anything, this is what it is, it still feels the least gray out of the options we have chosen.

This is because of how strong the blue undertones are on this gray wood stain and how it makes this stain match a few less areas.

If anything we would say that this gray wood stain could pass a baby blue, or a shade closer to this.

Similar to willow gray, we would strongly recommend using samples before choosing to apply this shade.

This shade can definitely work in certain situations, however, you will need to be sure you will be happy with it!


Out of all the shades of gray we have listed here, classic gray is definitely the most natural in how it looks, and even though we would say that willow gray gets the closest to true gray, when applied this one looks a lot more natural when applied.

We would also say that it is quite close when it comes to how it looks when it is applied, this shade definitely looks like what you would expect a gray wood stain to look like once it has been applied.

The undertones of this shade are a brown and gray shade and while the brown might sound out of the ordinary, when you see it applied, it really helps with making this shade compliment the surrounding area.

This shade definitely lives up to its name of classic gray.

How To Choose A Gray Wood Stain

The best piece of advice we can give when it comes to actually choosing a gray wood stain for your project is to rely on your samples and then placing these around the space you are putting it in.

You will not know exactly how your exact wood will look with a stain until you have tried it yourself.

This is something which is especially important if the wood has a prominent space in your house and is on a permanent fixture you will see every day.

Another idea you should try before applying and choosing a gray wood stain is to see how it will look in different lighting.

This matters more in different spaces since you will not see a gray wood stain in low lighting if it is outdoors.

However, if it is in an indoors space, you will want to ensure that the gray wood stain looks good in all lighting.


To summarize, freshening up your wood furniture and features in your house with a gray wood stain is a great way to modernize your home and give it a fresh, country feel, without having to splurge on new furniture.

Upcycling is always a good idea! 

Ida Oliveira
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